Some Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual Harassment vs Sexual Assault
Types of Sexual Harassment Claims?
Tips to Avoid Harassment
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other harassment of a sexual nature. It can be any action that creates a hostile or offensive work environment for members of one sex.
Some Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Inappropriate pictures or posters in the office
- Sexual Advances
- Unwelcome Touching
- Telling sexually-oriented jokes or stories
- Sexual Teasing
- Sexually offensive remarks
- Pressuring a coworker to go on a date
Sexual Harassment vs Sexual Assault
Sexual Harassment is a broad term that includes many types of unwelcome sexual actions and words. The word Sexual Assault specifically refers to sexual contact without the consent of the victim.
Types of Sexual Harassment Claims?
Quid Pro Quo: A term or condition of employment decisions that require you to take part in sexual harassment. Ex, a person must perform a sexual act to either be hired for a position, keep their current job, or get a promotion.
Hostile Work Environment: Sexual harassment makes your work environment so perverse, offensive, and hostile that it stops you from being able to perform your job duties.
What Makes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Hostile:
- The Misconduct was physical, verbal, or both
- How often it occurred
- Was the conduct hostile or offensive
Does the alleged harasser have a supervisor and what did they do to stop the misconduct
- Did others join in on the harassment
- Were one or more people harassed at a time
Tips to Avoid Harassment
Treat Everyone with Respect :
Remember to be respectful and professional to everyone in the workplace. Stay within the lines of appropriateness when it comes to jokes and behavior. Be friendly but not too familiar with coworkers.
Do Not Tolerate :
If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace or the environment is hostile, do not just sit there and hope it goes away! Do something about it! Nicely and professionally talk to the offenders and tell them how you feel and how they can correct any of the misconducts. If it continues, you will need to talk to supervisors or HR or even outside third-party institutions set up to help.
Report What You See:
If someone else is being harassed you must report what you see. You should not hide in the background and not step up. Speak to the harassers directly or to a supervisor.
Speak Professionally :
Do not speak from emotion, think before you make rude jokes or off-the-cuff remarks. Think about if your comments are offensive to the people you are speaking to? Speak professionally when you are in the workplace.
Clear Rules and Policies :
Do everything you can to make the rules and policies very clear and to uphold those rules yourself. Attend seminars or meetings to understand harassment policies better and encourage coworkers around you to do so as well.

We Can Help.
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Our Attorneys
Cardon Smith & Jennifer Smith
The attorneys at Smith Trial Group have over 40 years experience in dealing with harassment claims. We can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Contact us for a free case evaluation or call anytime at 855-202-2232.

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